Haweka World Kit II – 40mm surveplaatide komplekt


Haweka World Kit II is a centering plate set consisting of the following items: Centering plate NR1 (HA241e801409) allowing the operation of the following bolt spacings 4×95.25 / 4×98 / 4×100 / 4×101.6 / 4×108 / 4×114.3 / 7×150 / 4×170 – 1 pc. Centering plate NR2 (HA251e801409) allowing the operation of the following bolt spacings: 5×98 / 5×105 / 5×108 / 5×110 / 5×115 / 5×120.65 / 5×135 / 5×154.95 – 1 pc. Centering plate NR3 (HA251e901409) allowing the operation of the following bolt spacing 5×100 / 5×112 / 5×114.3 / 5×120 / 5×127 / 5×130 / 5×139.7 / 5×150 / 5×165.1 – 1 pc. Centering plate NR4 (HA231e111409) allowing for the operation of the following bolt spacings 3×98 / 3×112 / 3×114.3 / 3×115 / 3×120 / 3×127 / 3×130 / 3×132 / 6×135 /6×139.7 / 4×165.1 – 1 pc. Adjustable pins “I”, 100 mm, sharp cone, Ø 19 mm (HA271994117) – 6 pcs. Adjustable pins “II”, 80 mm, flat cone, Ø 24.5 mm (HA271804118) – 7 pcs. Adjustable pins “III”, 90mm, spherical, Ø 24.5 mm (HA271904119) – 5 pcs. Wall board (HA900008195)


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