Vesiniku lekkekatse komplekt


The Hydrogen leak test kit is a device that allows you to quickly locate a hydrogen leak in air conditioning systems using an electronic probe that signals the location of the leaking refrigerant with an acoustic signal and a lit diode. As a gas with very small particles, hydrogen will penetrate through any small leakage. In addition, being lighter than air, it rises up and makes it easier to track it by the detector. Benefits: Selectable leak detection sensitivity level: high / medium / low Multicolor display Sound signaling Low battery indicator Handy suitcase with foam filling Set contains: Polypropylene case Pressure reducer Three-way manometer with a hose and a valve 1000mm yellow wire Hydrogen cylinder (nitrogen-hydrogen mixture) – 1 liter Reduction for 1L cylinders Hydrogen leak detector HP quick couplers: R134a and R1234yf Suitcase The low concentration of hydrogen is not dangerous for the user and allows you to work safely in the workshop. It is possible to buy an additional 2L hydrogen cylinder.


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