Lekkeandur, 500 ml


The product is used to quickly find leaks. The product can be used for all systems which utilise compressed air, natural gas or liquefied gas, wherever leaks can occur, e.g. for fittings, threaded couplings, etc. The product can be easily removed with water, which makes it environmentally friendly. The product is non-flammable, anti-corrosive, neutral for the skin and has a DIN-DVGW certificate. Application: detection of leaks of: pipes, welded joints, soldered joints, appliances which utilise a flammable gas, refrigeration equipment, brake systems and containers for industrial and medical gases. When used with the following gases: carbon dioxide, propane, butene, acetylene, compressed air, natural gas, nitrogen and nitrogen oxide, the product does not cause any danger. Directions for use: Shake before use. To check a joint for leaks, spread the product evenly over the area to be checked. If there are any leaks, frothy bubbles will form. Thanks to a special valve, the product can be applied at any orientation.


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