Mini õhupuhur


The BGS 6876 mini air blow gun is a compact and lightweight tool, ideal for a variety of applications in both the automotive sector and other areas. Featuring an ergonomic thumb-operated release button, it ensures comfortable and precise operation, even in hard-to-reach places. It also comes equipped with a hanging hook, making storage and accessibility during work easier. This product can operate under a maximum working pressure of 6.3 bar (90 PSI), with an air inlet of 6.3 mm (1/4″). It’s a tool that performs excellently under any conditions, offering high efficiency and reliability. It’s an excellent choice for professionals and enthusiasts who value quality and precision in their daily work. Why You Should Consider a Blow Gun A blow gun is primarily used to clean surfaces of dust, dirt, shavings, chips, and other debris using a stream of compressed air. It is commonly used in automotive workshops, industrial plants, and other industries where there is a need for quick and effective removal of contaminants from hard-to-reach areas. Thanks to its design and function, a blow gun allows for precise direction of the air stream to a specific area, enabling thorough and effective cleaning of surfaces.


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