Standardne termopress – 160° – rehviparandusmasin


Machine for repairing damaged bias-ply and radial tyres – for any damage, of any size. It can repair tyre widths, shoulders and sidewalls as well as inner tubes. It can also replace valves. The machine comes with a pressure compensation feature, a temperature stabilisation feature and a timer used to adjust the tyre repair time. It has a 160°C heating element, which halves the tyre repair time. STANDARD ACCESSORIES: heating elements: top and bottom with fabric and rubber cover, electric control box with timer, sleeves: short, medium and long, bag containing PKW beads aluminium sheet U-shaped fitting. PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION Thermopress installation – To ensure good pressure applied, install the press centrally to the damaged area. To do so, it is helpful to draw a coordinate system with chalk. The intersection will indicate the centre of the damaged area. Pressure bags are filled with aluminium beads with good thermal conductivity properties. They are used when the top or bottom heating plate cannot apply even pressure to the entire damaged area due to tyre shape or zone. With the bag, heat is evenly distributed across the entire repaired area and the pressure sleeve is evenly loaded. Note: the bag should be formed inside or on the tyre so that the heating plate has contact with the entire bag. Aluminium sheet – If the heating plate and the bag containing beads do not cover the entire damaged area, you must use an aluminium sheet, which is to be inserted between the tyre and the bag and which maintains very high thermal conductivity across its entire surface area. Tip: When repairing wheels of delivery vans and lorries, you must always place the sheet under the bag. As a result, more even pressure is applied and a more beneficial temperature distribution is obtained. Thermopress removal – After tyre repair, you should remove the THERMOPRESS “warm”. Do not accelerate the cooling process with water or other agents with similar properties. You can move to the next steps once the tyre has cooled down completely Heating times apply only to TIP TOP original materials. The heating time is 4 minutes for every 1 mm of rubber thickness in the repaired area. Add 60 minutes if the pressure bag containing beads is used. For bias-ply tyres of agricultural vehicles and off-road vehicles with high tread blocks, the heating time should be extended by 50%. Note: These times apply only when the ambient temperature does not drop below +5oC during repair.


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