Kummist ketas liimijääkide eemaldamiseks hammustatud


Notched rubber disc for removing adhesive residue from adhesive weights. Get fast and effective results thanks to the rubber disc for removing adhesive residue from rims. Make a rim cleaner and shine. Quick and safeGet fast results and amazing results in seconds. There is no need to purchase any other extra expensive power tools, the rubber disc will fit any slow-speed standard drill. Because it does not require any other chemicals, the disc will save money by avoiding the cost of buying a special spray. Effective and practical A robber disc is a tool, which will not scratch or harm the aluminum rim. Simply apply light pressure to the disc to the rim, working back and forth until fully erased. Note to not use for lacquer coatings. Environment-friendlyIt does not require any other chemicals, this is an environment-friendly kit. It also helps you avoid contact with skin-irritating adhesives. Usage: Attach the included drill adapter to your rubber wheel and a household drill.Note: The product is not suitable for plastic surfaces, fiberglass, or painted aluminum. Please test the area of application before use.


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