Pneumaatiline statiiv / termopressi alus


The device is designed to work with Thermopress-type tyre curing press, especially in case of frontal tyre repairs. Intended Use The stand is used during professional tyre repair process. Its purpose is to make the installation of the tyre curing press easier when repairing truck tyres and to set the tyre in a convenient position to repair it with the Thermopress. Application The device is an additional accessory designed to work with INVENTO and TIP-TOPOL thermopresses. Device design The device is made of cold-formed steel sheet profiles electrically welded in a gas shield. It has been protected against corrosion and powder coated. Design elements: Thermopress mounting mandrel – makes the installation of the device easier Actuator control lever – makes it possible to raise the tyre to the desired height Pneumatic actuator Device base – stabilises the device. Equipped with orifices for fixing to the floor. Rollers – make it easier to set the tyre and repair area in a correct position Operation Install the Thermopress on the stand – on the mandrel coming out of the base. The pneumatic actuator of the stand should be set in the down position. Roll the tyre onto the stand rollers. Set the part of the tyre that needs repairing to the 12 o’clock position. Using the pneumatic lift lever manipulator of the stand, raise the unit until there is firm contact between the lower heater of the Thermopress and the inside surface of the tyre. Repair according to the technology. Once completed, lower the jack actuator.


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