Hüdrauliline vedru kompressor 1T


Hydraulic Spring Compressor 1T Specification: Producer: INVENTO Maximum force: 1 ton Maximum range: 495 – 820 mm Springs diameter: 100 – 170 mm Actuator stroke: 320 mm Base size: 330 x 350 mm Overall height: 1,060 mm Compliance with the Directive 2006/42 / EC Type: Hydraulic What is the hydraulic spring compressor intended for?This type of puller is designed to replace springs and shock absorbers. Since a lot of force is required during replacement, it is advisable to use this type of equipment. Thanks to the lever, we can easily carry out the exchange. Hydraulic spring compressor CapabilitiesThe puller has a maximum force of 1 ton and will handle springs that are 100 to 170 mm in diameter.


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