Showing 13–20 of 20 results

  • Pöördkäärid puuridele, Ø 50 mm


    The rotary gouge with a diameter of Ø 50 mm is designed for removing large amounts of rubber from the damaged outside areas of lorry, oversized and agricultural vehicle tyres. Recommended max. speed 4,500 rpm. Suitable for use with a drill chuck (cat. No. 595-4034) or NV 11 hexagonal tool holder with a 3/8″ –…

  • PROFI kraapija


    The PROFI scraper is particularly suitable for profiled surfaces. Allows for the pre-cleaning of the inside and outside of a tyre.

  • PROXIMA PX82 õhklihvmasin, sirge, 22 000 RPM


    The PX82 straight buffer is a high-speed tool with a speed range up to 22,000 rpm, with a 6mm collet size. This tool is used in the automotive industry for various types of work in workshops and tyre fitting services during tyre repair stages that require a high speed tool. The PX82 is perfect for…

  • PROXIMA PX87 sirge õhkpuurpuur, 2500 pööret minutis, kiirpuuripuuriga


    INVENTO PX87 tyre buffer is a 3/8 inch straight pneumatic tool with a speed up to 2,500 rpm, with a quick change chuck. The robust lightweight aluminium body is very durable and helps to reduce vibration. Ergonomics are further enhanced by the low weight of 0.89 kg. The tool is powered by compressed air with…

  • Puidust käepidemega vali


    The 140mm long pick with a wooden handle is helpful when inspecting damage before and after machining. It is used to puncture air bubbles that could not be eliminated with a roller. It is also suitable for verifying damage and removing small foreign bodies from the tread.

  • Silindriline tööriistahoidja (varre), 8 mm, 3/8 keermega tööriistadele


    The 8 mm cylindrical tool holder is a shank that allows the tool to be securely clamped during the tyre repair process in the device (drill) for the appropriate speed range. The 8 mm tool holder is designed for tools equipped with a drill chuck and a 3/8″ thread or hole.

  • Terashari, 60


    The steel brush with a diameter of Ø 60 x 20 mm is designed for roughening rubber on the outside and inside of all types of tyres. Recommended max. speed 2,800 rpm. Ideal for visible steel cord cables in all-steel lorry tyres and textile cords in agricultural tyres. Suitable for use with a 6 mm…

  • Traathari 55


    The Ø 55 x 8 mm brass brush is designed for roughening rubber on the outside and inside of all types of tyres. Recommended max. speed 2,800 rpm. Ideal for visible steel cord cables in all-steel lorry tyres and textile cords in agricultural twill tyres. Suitable for use with a 6 mm drill chuck and…

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