Pressure gauge leak test kit – Hydrogen


Hydrogen is a mixture of nitrogen and hydrogen (95% + 5%). With this mixture of gases, it is possible to use a special leak detector that senses hydrogen. Hydrogen, as a gas with very small molecules, will penetrate through any small leaks. In addition, being lighter than air, it rises upwards and makes it easier for the detector to track it (there is no need to lift the vehicle and go underneath it). The small concentration of hydrogen is not dangerous for the user and allows to work safely in the workshop. The kit includes: Polypropylene casePressure reducerThree-way pressure gauge with hose and valveYellow hose 1500 mmCylinder with hydrogen (mixture of nitrogen and hydrogen) – 1 literReducer for 1L cylinderHydrogen leak detectorSpare detector capHP quick connectors: R134a and R1234yf Additional hydrogen cylinders can be purchased: TX13.211


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