Rehvipuhasti, 0-10 bar/psi, sertifitseeritud


The 25/D-RB 15/ANI certified tyre inflating gun is a tool suitable for measuring tyre pressure and inflating all types of tyres. The tyre inflating gun manufactured by the Italian company Ani is equipped with a high-quality Wika pressure gauge operating within the range of 0-10bar and with a diameter of 60mm. The device is also supplied with a 400mm long rubber hose. The hose of the device is fitted with a standard tip with a clamp, which enables a stable connection of the hose to a valve. This professional device comes with a button for deflating a tyre. The maximum operating pressure reaches 10 bar so the user can operate at the highest level. This tyre inflating gun performs perfectly during intensive work in tyre fitting services. The product is certified with a CEE calibration certificate.


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