Tyre repair inserts brown INVENTO Silver Line, 100×5 mm, 50 pcs.


Silver Line brown strings (100 x 5 mm) are an excellent solution for quick, temporary tire puncture repairs in passenger vehicles. This high-quality product ensures efficient and reliable tire sealing. Silver Line strings are packaged in 5 blister packs, each containing 10 strings, for a total of 50 pieces per set. Using these strings helps reduce unplanned vehicle downtime and allows scheduling a full repair at a convenient time. The 100 mm length makes it easy to pull the string through the puncture. One string can be used for at least two repairs. Silver Line butyl strings are a dependable solution designed for fast and effective tire repairs, especially in emergency situations where visiting a tire service center is not possible. Why choose Silver Line strings? Instant Sealing: Effectively closes punctures caused by nails, screws, and other sharp objects. Ease of Use: No need to remove the tire, significantly reducing repair time. Practicality: Ideal for both individual drivers and commercial applications, such as transportation fleets. Versatility: Suitable for various terrain conditions and vehicle types. How to use Silver Line strings? Preparation: Clean the damaged area and use a reamer to properly prepare the puncture hole. Application: Apply adhesive to the insertion tool, pull the string through the hole, and ensure it is positioned correctly. Finishing: Trim any excess string. The repaired tire is safe for further driving, but a visit to a tire service center is recommended. Please note that a tire string repair is a temporary solution, allowing continued driving to the nearest service center. Ultimately, the string should be replaced with a patch or a plug for a permanent fix.


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