Kliimaseadmete tihendaja UV 30ml R134a


Air conditioning sealant containing 30ml UV dye is an essential leak sealing agent, providing a solution to problems in air conditioning coolers, evaporators, compressors, gaskets, hoses, O-rings and more. It is the ideal to protect and prevent future leaks. In addition, it has substances that eliminate moisture from the air conditioning system and preservatives for seals and rubber hoses. Mode of action: Start the engine and set the air conditioning to maximum cooling. Then enter the sealant. After entering into the air-conditioning system, it mixes with the refrigerant and oil. When it encounters a minor leak, it reacts to form a coating that seals the leak. Advantages: Hassle-free method of use Applicator included Sealing guarantee It does not damage the compressor and the recovery station. It does not contain polymers It does not damage A / C components and service devices Does not clog service valves Lubricates the system and helps prevent leaks Compatible with the R134a system For professional use only. The set includes instructions on how to properly use the sealant.Do not use in hermetically sealed systems.


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