ELMAX 1″ elektriline löökvõll


The EL-MAX wrench is used to unscrew and tighten wheel bolts and nuts of trucks, buses, construction, agricultural and military vehicles. The key is designed to work both in open spaces and workshops. Loosening and tightening can be performed with vehicles that are fully or partially lifted and resting on their wheels. The EL-MAX key is powered by an electric motor. Additional equipment (paid option): EL-MAX sockets: 24, 26, 27, 30, 32, 33, 36 mm EL-MAX reductions: 1 ” ext ./1 ” zew. 1 ” ext./¾ ” ext. 1 ” ext./½ ” ext. It is controlled by: drive levers head height adjustment levers head lock levers at a given height levers controlling the frequency of strokes electric switch with the possibility of changing the direction of rotation of the engine Benefits: Easy to use Ergonomic Economic Powerful Universal Reliable


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