Kraanik plastist klapivarre paigaldamiseks + kruvikeeraja


Lever for fitting rubber valves, tyre valves in tubeless tyres with green plastic handle and spring insert screwdriver in the handle. The lever has a handle made of high-quality plastic, which protects the rim from damage and scratches. The metal valve fitting ensures easy fit. This tool is indispensable in every tyre fitting service. By using the lever, you eliminate the risk of damaging both the rim and the valve. Application: Mounting of valves, rubber valve stems in tubeless wheels of passenger cars and delivery vans Instructions for use Before mounting the valve, unscrew the valve cap and remove the spring insert. Wipe the hole in the rim. Lubricate the valve with paste and put it through the rim hole. The metal fitting is screwed onto the valve thread and the lever is set against the rim edge. Next, pull the valve.


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