Mootorrattaadapter ratta tasakaalustajatele INVENTO VBS 220 i VBS270


Motorcycle Mount, Adapter for INVENTO SILVER LINE VBS 220 and VBS 270 The INVENTO motorcycle adapter is an economical solution that enables quick and precise balancing of motorcycle wheels using INVENTO SILVER LINE VBS 220 and VBS 270 balancers. With this adapter, there’s no need to invest in additional equipment—just mount the adapter to modify your balancer for motorcycle wheel service. Its robust construction ensures secure and stable wheel attachment, resulting in accurate balancing results. This adapter is the perfect solution for workshops looking to expand their range of services, including motorcycle maintenance. Its ease of installation and versatility significantly increase the efficiency of work and the comfort of using INVENTO balancers. Product Features: Economical solution – no need to purchase a new balancer for motorcycle wheels Easy installation – the adapter can be quickly and easily mounted on the balancer Precision balancing – ensures accurate results with secure wheel attachment Compatibility – fits INVENTO VBS 220 and VBS 270 balancer models Versatility – allows your workshop to expand its range of services With this adapter, you can fully utilize the potential of your balancer, adapting it to meet the demands of the motorcycle market. It’s a practical, durable, and cost-effective solution for any professional workshop.


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