Mootorratta pliiratta kaal, liim, 50g (segmendid 2,5g / 5g )


The 50g total weight lead adhesive wheel weights are designed for balancing all types of alloy wheels of motorbikes and scooters. Each weight consists of 13 segments: 7 x 5 g and 6 x 2.5 g, enabling easy selection of the weight required for precise wheel balancing. The wheel weights are fitted with NORTON adhesive tape, which is a guarantee of permanent mounting of the weight to the wheel – it is an extremely important factor, which directly influences the safety of users of two-wheeled vehicles. The height of the wheel weight is 5 mm, so it fits most commercially available motorbike wheels. Dimensions of a single strip: 107 x 10 mm. The lead from which the wheel weight is made does not corrode, therefore it retains its properties and appearance, regardless of the prevailing weather conditions.


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