Penetreeriv õli, 500 ml


The MOTIP rust remover spray has rust removing properties. It is ideal for loosening rusted metal parts. The product comes with a special nozzle for application in different orientations. Advantages: strong rust removing properties, displaces moisture, prevents rust formation, ensures long-lasting lubrication. The MOTIP DUPLI Group operates mainly in the automotive industry, offering a wide range of technical aerosols: high-quality professional car paints, cleaners, lubricants and assembly products. With many years of experience and a high level of expertise, the MOTIP DUPLI Group is fully specialised in development, manufacture and distribution of technical aerosols. As a market leader, the company has three manufacturing plants and its own sales and distribution companies in 12 European countries. The MOTIP DUPLI Group manufactures over 80 million aerosols per year.


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