Külmutuskuivatid OPA 10


The Airpol refrigeration air dryer is an ideal component of a pneumatic installation which removes water and water vapour from compressed air and ensures drying at the pressure dew point temperature of +3ºC.The pressure dew point defines the temperature to which compressed air can be cooled without condensation of the contained water. The atmospheric air sucked in by the compressor contains water vapour and solid impurities. After compression, the exhaust air has a temperature about 10 degrees higher than the ambient temperature (screw compressor). As a result of the contact with ambient conditions and the resulting temperature difference, the air cools and condensate is precipitated from it, which can cause corrosion, accelerate wear and tear on pipelines and installed equipment and tools, and thus disrupt the production process. A perfect solution that can minimise the risk of these adverse effects is the use of a refrigeration air dryer together with compressed air filters. They allow to obtain air dried and free from impurities.


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