Tech Tyre Bead Sealer 946ml


TECH Bead Sealer is a natural rubber solution designed to seal the tire bead. The extremely thick formula of the TECH Bead Sealer ensures hermetic tightness between the tire bead and the rim. TECH Bead Sealer is recognized as the best tire sealant. Convenient applicator brush is attached to the underside of the cap. It helps seal even on wheels that have minor corrosion, pitting, or imperfections that prevent a conventional seal. Usage To apply the liquid, use a brush integrated with the cap. The application is quick and easy. Application of TECH Bead Sealer. Useable on all types of tubeless tyres from cars and trucks to motorcycles, ATVs, and tractors. Apply a thick coat to the bead prior to mounting the tyre on the wheel.


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