Rehvi kriidihoidja Sisa / PROFI rehvidele läbimõõduga 16-17 mm


The holder is designed for use with thick chalk, 16-17mm in diameter, SISA or Tip-topol PROFI type. The plastic holder is used to hold the chalk and protect it from breaking during use.It is fitted with a special black plastic ring that secures the chalk in the holder. The use of the holder protects the chalk from damage and keeps hands and clothes from getting dirty. It also allows the chalk to be used in its entirety, as using it without the holder causes the chalk to break and parts of it are usually trampled upon falling to the floor. The tyre chalk holder therefore enables the purchased chalk to be used to its full potential. The holder is dedicated to chalks of the SISA type, it also fits chalks with a diameter of 16mm-17mm


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