XTOOL XT80W – täieliku ADAS-toega diagnostiline tester


XTOOL XT80W is a diagnostic tester with full ADAS support (dedicated to devices such as INVENTO R300 and XV750A)! The XTOOL XT80W runs on Android 10, ensuring fast and efficient performance. It features an 8-inch touchscreen, a quad-core processor, and an OBDIII module for wireless diagnostics. Diagnostic software updates are included for 3 years at no additional cost. Diagnostic Features: Automatic VIN Reading Automatic ECU Scanning Automatic Error Clearing Online Error Search Parameter Monitoring Service Reset: Includes oil service reset, brake replacement, battery replacement, etc. Injector Coding, Suspension, and Headlight Adaptations ECU Coding: Enable/disable controller options Online Functions and Coding Full ADAS Procedures Support Supports CAN FD and DoIP protocols. Connectivity: Wi-Fi Bluetooth Included in the Package: XTOOL XT80W Carrying Case Wireless OBDII Module Wall Charger Note: The device software may require updates. Notifications for new updates will appear in the main menu under the “Update” tab, showing the number of updates available. Failure to install updates may negatively affect the device’s functionality. The seller is not responsible for any issues arising from outdated software.


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